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    Wheel spacer Z/ Maxi Z

    Concrete grey, universal  round plastic spacer Z for rebar diameters 6 – 12 mm
    and Maxi Z for rebar diameters 8 – 20 mm for vertical and horizontal reinforcements.

    Tested according to DBV data sheet “Spacers” – Eurocode 2, version November 2019.

    Item Number Concrete cover
    Dimension in mm
    Clamping area
    Dimension in mm
    PU in piece
    PU in piece
    Spacer Z
    360.015 15 6 – 12 5 x 1.000 (5.000) 100.000
    360.020 20 6 – 12 10 x 500 (5.000) 100.000
    360.025 25 6 – 12 8 x 500 (4.000) 48.000
    360.030 30 6 – 12 5 x 500 (2.500) 35.000
    360.035 35 6 – 12 5 x 200 (1.000) 20.000
    360.040 40 6 – 12 8 x 125 (1.000) 20.000
    360.050 50 6 – 14 5 x 100 (500) 10.000
    Spacer Maxi Z
    360.M025 25 8 – 20 4 x 250 (1.000) 30.000
    360.M030 30 8 – 20 8 x 125 (1.000) 20.000
    360.M035 35 8 – 20 8 x 125 (1.000) 20.000
    360.M040 40 8 – 20 4 x 125 (500) 10.000
    360.M050 50 8 – 20 10 x 50 (500) 7.000
    360.M055 55 8 – 20 8 x 50 (400) 5.600
    360.M060 60 8 – 20 8 x 50 (400) 4.800

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