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    Panel pads / Nubbed plate

    Divisible, colourless, stable plate for the storage of precast concrete elements.
    Height of the knobs 8 – 11 mm. item no. 392.14055 and 392.07055
    with short tips on the bottom for a better grip on the concrete.

    Item Number Dimension
    in mm
    PU in piece
    PU in piece
    PU in piece
    392.p 170 x 63 x 11 250 –– 10.000
    392.07055 70 x 55 x 10 600 800 32.000
    392.14055 140 x 55 x 8 –– 400 16.000
    392.14055os 140 x 55 x 8 –– 400 16.000

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